Saturday, May 1, 2010

tokio hotel~

tokio hotel live in malaysia...woohoo~
it was awesome...
at 1st , i dun really noe them..but after we watched their concert, we like them very much...
i was damn exhausted lar...
yst, i went to 1u with yi won at abt 1 something...
n we were walking around there... but not shopping there...
coz im broke after i bought a lollipop bk cost 75 bucks...
n we didnt bring much money...
then , we went to the back stage n asked the secu whether tokio hotel reached edi or not...
he said that they ll reach at 7 pm...but the concert started at 6pm...
abt 5 something, van reached...we met her nearby the stage...
n we waited at the back stage agn...
our legs were painful...n we sat on the floor...
they reached at abt 8.30 ...omg... its so late...
we waited from 4something to 8something...zzz..=.=
but then, its worth it man~
i saw the drummer n tom...
they waved to us...
i didnt see Bill .. :(
won saw him...n he smiled to won lar...
actually, i didnt noe that whos member of tokio hotel...
so, i juz shouted tokio hotel~!
we ran to the front of the stage... we stood quite far from the stage... long as we managed to see them...
later, we went to the side....
we can get a better view man~
we kept shouting very loudly...
n bill kept turning to our side....Woohoo~ mayb he can see us... as we were jumping n making wierd hand gestures...haha...
n when we waved to him...he waved back to us ...XDXD
n it ended at abt 10.30...
we went to back stage agn... but we didnt wanna wait anymore...we juz went home..
tokio hotel~ we love u~
won, the white cars~XD