Wednesday, August 19, 2009

comment in jun's blog by ~CoCo yong~

u also noe that ur(jun) head is huge!!haha ...good...but "someone" jealous coz prince is more talent ,more handsome( i mean cant compare with chord...prince too handsome edi) ,everthing better than chord...he also has a lot of fans.. not like "someone's" chord....

yea... this is the comment that i po in juns blog...she said that prince no talent ...n all the bad things that chords having.....haha... but then she admitted that her head is huge ,gigantic... OK!OK! (will pan) ... jun!!! see!!! im so good ...i didnt say anything bad abt chord ( although i knew that hes not very handsome ,n not very talented) ...u kept insulting my prince... but "da ren you da liang"... i "rao" le u lar...haha...XD

when im po-ing the comment at juns blog,my bro saw...he said : dun always say wang zi lar...very yong sui de lor...
i said: wan jean is also not very pretty lor...but y u love her ??!!
(this is wat jun told me last time...)
haha....finally , i can use it to scold my bro...


Qing Jun said...

.... u da ren. then i da da ren adi lo. (dada) haha... not this dada lar! U should sing yuan liang wo. Who say u din insult chord. But i din insult prince. cause whatever i said is TRUTH. FACTS. visit my blog la. .got comment ar..

CoCoyong said...

k lar...u didnt insult funny!!! u xiao xiao ren lar...